Monday, August 23, 2010


Serving is what starts the rally. There are two types of serving. There is overhand and underhand. Overhand is preferred by most because it is harder for your opponent to get the ball. When you serve overhand, you are just throwing a ball to yourself to hit it. There is also jump serving, but I will explain that in another post. To serve overhand, you hold the ball arms length in front of you with your non-hitting arm. Then you throw the ball in the air, step forward, and hit it over the net. Here is a picture which explains an overhand serve:
Overhand Serve

When you serve underhand, you hold the ball in your non-hitting hand, arms length away, but lower down than when you hit overhand. You then make a fist with your hitting hand, pull it back, then bring it forward to hit the ball. Here is a picture explaining it:
Underhand Serve

Both ways are effective serving. The point of it is to start the rally by getting the ball over the net.

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